Update Log


19/07/2024 - Deleted a bunch of stuff and made others inaccessible for my grand website plans. Also, I made the boxes and sticker on the main page draggable.

24/05/2024 - Got the blog up and running

20/05/2024 - Updated the content of the about page, and also made it a TINY bit responsive.

16/05/2024 - I'm starting the website renovation now. Lots of updates to come, but I'm also deleting a lot of stuff from the site.

28/01/2024 - Renamed the Home tab to Mansion, 'cause I realized people would confuse "home" with "index". Added two new sites to the list of my friends' sites!

25/01/2023 - Made the diary page responsive.

23/01/2024 - Added a BETTER update log page. Hi guys! I'm currently overhauling the entire site, so expect lots of updates soon.

12/07/2023 - Added a status.cafe box!

16/05/2023 - Added a Persona shrine

10/05/2023 - Added a "how well do you know the webmaster" quiz!

11/03/2023 - Changed the main font of this website to be more readable!

20/02/2023 - Added friend testimonials in the About page

20/02/2023 - Added an update box!