Hello World


This is my first post on this blog. If you haven't seen the About page of my site, hi. My name's Elliot. I'm a random guy turning 18 in two weeks who currently has no job, no school, and no life. That last bit will change soon, but for now, I'm relying on my website to keep me from overwhelming boredom. I love learning and I love creating. This website is an opportunity for me to do both. In this blog post, I'm going to go over what I'm trying to do with this blog.


The main purpose of this blog is for me to write down things I learn in a way I can look back on. I do a lot of studying in my free time, and I hope I can reflect that here. The main things I study are psychology, linguistics, and various sciences that help me with worldbuilding. (I really love worldbuilding, and I hope I can share that on my website eventually too!) Every time I feel like I've learned a substantial amount, I think I'll make a blog post about it. There's a big chance I'll misrepresent the concept, and I'm warning y'all now, but I'll try my best not to.


I am really passionate about a lot of random things. I hope I can use this space in order to properly rant about things I enjoy, such as the Persona video game series or Dostoesvky books. Ranting is probably a bad word. I'll try to phrase these rants more like essays. Please forgive me if I get a bit out of hand and begin actually ranting, haha.

Actually Blogging

I might use this blog in order to actually, y'know, blog. Talk about things that've happened in my life and whatnot. Right now, I don't think I'll do much of that, but that's only because I don't really have a lot going on in my life. However, I'm slowly making more friends, and I'm just about done with my pre-college gap year, so as time goes on, I may have a bit more to talk about.